Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Mommy, I mean, mummy!

Hello my friend,
One of the most memorable things about studying ancient Egypt is learning about mummies.  The Egyptians believed in life after death, at least for the kings and queens, and thought that you would need your body again after you died.

So to make sure that your body didn't rot away to nothing, or get eaten by animals or worms (yuck!), they invented mummification.  That's a long word for turning a dead body into a mummy.
They would make special cuts in a dead king's body and wrap it in gauze and then dump a special kind of salt all over the wrapped up body so that all the water would come out.  With no water in it, the mummy would last a long time.  Thousands of years, even!
I hope you like studying mummies as much as I did.  One of my earliest memories was being sort of scared seeing a mummy for the first time in a museum.  But, it was really cool...
Love you for as long as a mummy will stay mummified,

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