Sunday, October 25, 2009

Is it civilization yet?

Dear Patrick,
One of the ways that we know that ancient people like the Egyptians were civilized is that they were able to get their workers together to build big (huge, even!) projects.  In Egypt, those projects were the pyramids.

The pyramids were tombs for the dead kings (called pharoahs) of Egypt.  They took so long to build, the Egyptians would start building a pyramid as soon as a new king was named.
The great pyramids of Giza are considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

The civilizations in Iraq built big projects too.  Projects like the Ziggurat of Urr showed that they were organized into a society.  The ziggurat was not a tomb, though, it was just to show off!
Love you with love as big as a pyramid,

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