Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Native Americans near Richmond

Hello Buddy,

Two of the big tribes to live in the Richmond area before the city was started by European settlers were the Monacan and the Manahoac.  The Monocan lived near the falls of the James and the Manahoac lived up on the Rappahanock near Fredericksburg.

This is a Manahoac Indian.

This is a map John Smith made from what the Powhatans told him about the Monacans.

They knew the Powhatan Indians and traded with them.  The Powhatan Indians especially liked the copper necklaces that the Monacan made.

Love you like all of history,

1 comment:

  1. HI!DaD I am learning about the way the powhatan tribe traveled around and the ways they are canoeing and walking. I love you like the james river.
    love pdawg


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